Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Studies Suggest Ways to Prevent Post-Surgical Infections

Experts say that an estimated 300,000 patients in the United States annually develop infections following surgery because of bacteria that they carry on their own body. Bacteria are often present in the nose or on the skin of patients which can enter surgical incisions and compromise their recovery. If a patient does develop an infection, it can require costly treatment or, in extreme cases, even lead to death. New studies which have recently been published in The New England Journal of Medicine, suggest easy ways hospitals can avert such infections by killing the bacteria which is on patients. Such methods include simple screening, sterilizing, scrubbing, or giving preventative treatment with antibiotics and/or anti-infective medication. The studies looked closely at infections which occur on a patient at the site of surgery, most commonly around the incision area. In prior years, the emphasis has been on doctors and nurses hand-washing to prevent infection; however, now researchers are looking closely at the bacteria on the patients. Many people which entered a hospital have been found to carry the common, but potentially dangerous bacteria, called staphylococcus aureus. Approximately one-third of the population carries this kind of bacteria in their nose or on their skin's surface at any given time. While it may not otherwise cause an active problem, if they enter a hospital and their skin is opened, they suddenly become susceptible to a serious infection.

These new studies tested 500 patients for the presence of staphylococcus aureus prior to their surgical procedures using nasal swabs. If they proved positive, they were then treated for five days with an antibiotic ointment on their noses and had them shower with special soap that contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine. Post surgery, these patients were shown to be sixty-percent less likely to contract infections than patients who used placebos of ointment and common soap. Marcia Patrick, a nurse and member of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology board said, "This is going to be a huge help to the infection-control crowd." She added, "How can we not do this? It would truly be penny-wise and pound foolish. And it's the right thing to do for patients." Dr. Richard P. Wenzel, an infectious disease specialist at Virginia Commonwealth University, said he would highly recommend these preventative measures for any patient that's facing a serious operation such as heart surgery or a joint replacement procedure. He also advises it for patients that already have a compromised immune system. Furthermore, he feels that all hospitals should adopt the use of chlorhexidine-alcohol as opposed to the standard disinfectant, povidone-iodine. Patients cleansed with chlorhexidine-alcohol had forty-percent less general infections and as half the amount of infections from staphylococcus aureus.

Cost is a factor for many institutions, as chlorhexidine-alcohol is more expensive that povidone-iodine. There is also an expense for doing pre-surgical screening for bacteria on patients. However, the costs are far greater to an institution when they need to treat a patient who has contracted an infection. Some doctors and many patients are purchasing antibiotics and anti-infective drugs through an online pharmacy where such medication is manufactured for less in other countries and made available at reduced costs to consumers. This practice has been growing during current times of economic downturn and rising medical costs in many countries. Patients with a valid prescription are buying their antibiotics for less through a reputable online pharmacy, yet still getting the benefit from the same high-quality drugs. These medicines often come in the form of generic drugs or as brand-name pharmaceuticals. This online option is one that hospitals and other medical institutions may need to consider in going forward, to more economically prevent infections on their patients and to contain the cost of their treatment if one does occur.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good News for Older Thyroid Patients

Research reported in ScienceDaily (October 27, 2009) is good news for older patients with thyroid disease. It shows that surgery is a much safer treatment option for them than many physicians previously believed. Dr. Melanie W. Seybt, endocrine-head and neck surgeon and the Medical College of Georgia and primary author of the study states, "We suspected older patients might be admitted to the hospital more often, have more complications and more cancer." However, the study which was published in the medical journal, Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, showed this not to be the case. In fact, when analyzing thyroid patients between the ages of 21-35 and those who were over the age of 65 the study revealed little differences between the two groups of patients. The findings showed:

  • Both groups could successfully have outpatient surgery at approximately the same basic rate: 45.5 percent of the elderly and 51.2 percent of younger patients
  • Both groups experienced the same rate of complications, such as low calcium
  • Malignancy was present in 27.3 percent of the elderly patients and 18.6 percent of younger patients
  • A somewhat higher hospital readmission rate among the elderly patients, 4.5 percent as opposed to 1.2 percent; however, it was not due to age-related issues or calcium levels
  • No post-operative bleeding or cases of vocal cord paralysis among either group in the study
The study gives hope to older thyroid patients who are concerned about the safety of their having thyroid surgery, such as a thyroidectomy. It is still very important for patients to first receive a pre-operative health screening. Older patients have to be concerned with heart failure, hypertension, and restrictive lung conditions. However, head and neck surgeries have fewer complications than procedures which involve the chest or abdomen and elderly patients are tolerating it well.

If patients do not receive clearance for surgery, there are effective pharmaceutical options for controlling thyroid disease. NEOMERCAZOLE® (tablets) is medication for thyroid disease which can be prescribed to patients with hyperthyroidism to lower the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. It may also be given in preparation for surgery or prior to radioactive iodine treatment. Levothyroxine (Levoxyl ®,Eltroxin®) is thyroid medicine given to patients with hypothyroidism that are experiencing an insufficient amount of hormone manufacture by the thyroid. It can also be given to prevent the thyroid from becoming enlarged because of cancer, surgery, or radiation treatment. Thyroid medication can be purchased at a local drugstore. However, thyroid patients of all ages with a valid prescription are now getting their medication through an online pharmacy, such as at reduced costs. The expense of thyroid medicine becomes a concern for many patients because most need to take such medication long-term to successfully manage their condition.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pain Medication Offers Osteoarthritis Relief

Osteoarthritis affects approximately 27 million Americans over twenty-five years of age. It is caused by a breakdown of the cartilage which cushions the end of bones. Osteoarthritis can bring about stiffness and significant pain in the joints and bones within the knees, hips, back, ankles, wrists, elbows, shoulder, spine and hands. Some arthritis patients may experience reduced mobility because of their condition and even become moderately disabled. The pain from osteoarthritis will vary, per patient, depending on the severity of their arthritis, age, and overall fitness level. However, at some point most arthritis sufferers need to take pain medication to help manage their condition.

Osteoarthritis patients may only take pain medication occasionally, while others find they have to take it daily. There are many different pharmaceutical options for arthritis patients which relieve various symptoms of the disease. Some arthritis medicine helps relieve pain and stiffness, while other arthritis drugs reduce swelling and inflammation. There are even generic drugs or brand-name medication for pain which works on all side-effects of the disease. Many patients with osteoarthritis and even rheumatoid arthritis take analgesics such as aspirin while others prefer to use nonsterodial anti-inflammatory drugs called NSAID's. These work within the body by reducing the amount of pain-inducing hormones which are being produced. They can also relieve pain and bring down a fever. Commonly taken NSAID's are:

Ibuprofen (Advil ®, Nuprin®, Motrin®)

Meloxicam (Mobic®)

Naprosyn (Aleve®)

Nabumetone (Relafen®)

Piroxicam (Feldene®)

Indomethicin (Indocin®)

Ketoprofen (Orudis®)

TORADOLORAL (Ketorolac Tromethamine)

Mefenamic Acid (Ponstel®)

Pain relieving drugs can be purchased over the counter or at reduced prices through an online pharmacy. Some pain medication requires a prescription from a physician, while aspirin and less strong NSAID's do not. If medicine is purchased online through a reputable website, such as, patients can be assured of the quality of their medication and expect to receive quickly. Many arthritis sufferers are opting for this method for their pain relief because their condition is chronic and requires a frequent pharmaceutical purchase. If patients engage in doctor-approved exercise, consider adding recommended nutritional supplements (such as fish oil), and take an analgesic for pain, they often can live a comfortable and active life in spite of their arthritis.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Could An Irregular Arm Swing be a Sign of Parkinson’s Disease?

Some neurologists believe identifying an irregular arm swing could lead to early detection of Parkinson's disease, a progressive brain disorder which affects the central nervous system. The disease is usually diagnosed when a patients experiences uncontrolled tremors when their body is meant to be resting. They may also feel stiffness in the limbs or torso or difficulty balancing. By the time these symptoms have been felt by the patient, approximately 50 to 80% of critical brain cells, called dopamine neurons, have already been impaired or died. Associate Professor of Neurology at Penn State Hershey College of Medicine, Xuemei Huang, and her colleagues are intensely studying the way people walk (their gait) and analyzing their severity of arm swing and its degree of asymmetry. They are trying to determine if there are early physical signs which point to the onset of Parkinson's Disease. One symptom of a Parkinson's patient is that they swing one arm in an asymmetrical manner. These new studies are hoping to find whether or not the actual presence of an irregular arm swing can tell if a patient is more likely to develop the disease. The earlier the condition can be detected, the better it is for patients. They may benefit from early intervention treatment and possibly start Parkinson's drug therapy.

Once having received a diagnosis of Parkinson's, patients have different treatments to consider including neurological surgery and medication for Parkinson's disease. They can also engage in physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and psychological counseling, along with alternative medicine and seek support groups. Some patients who suffer from depression initially following their diagnosis find it helpful to take anti-depressant medication, while under a doctor's care. Parkinson's medication won't cure the disease but it can positively impact a patient's life and increase their general comfort level. This is one reason the study of arm swing is so important. Many patients have been shown to respond favorably if given medication in the earliest phases of their disease. People with the condition need to consult with their doctor to determine which Parkinson's drugs would work best to manage their symptoms, slow the disease progression, and possibly restore a degree of lost motor skills. Many patients respond favorably to a kind of dopamine replacement therapy, like Levodopa and Carbidopa (Sinemet). This medication and other drug treatments for Parkinson's Disease can be purchased with a prescription through an online pharmacy at a reduced cost to Parkinson's patients.

Monday, December 14, 2009

American Feet - Beware the Nail Salon!

American women famously enjoy their manicure and pedicure services at nail salons. However recent studies have shown what's meant to be a pretty and pampering treat is causing an increasing amount of infections, some of which can be life-threatening. Many of these infections are not even reported which makes it difficult to track. However, as stated by infectious disease epidemiologist Dr. Kevin L. Winthrop, "They're definitely out there." One of the reasons infections are not reported is because women don't always realize that their health problems have come from their salon or spa. Symptoms of many fungal infections do not appear until later, after the initial point of exposure, which makes in hard for women to identify where or how they developed their infection.

People who frequent salons or spas can contract infections such as athlete's foot, yeast infections, or warts. Depending on the procedure and the sanitary conditions at the salon, customers can even contract more serious conditions like hepatitis C, HIV, or staph infections. If a salon does not properly sterilize their equipment and disinfect their area, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, yeast, fungus, or viruses. In 2000, over 100 women in California were infected with boils on their legs which required months to heal. The mycobacteria which caused the boils were traced by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to whirlpool footbaths in one salon in the northern part of the state. The footbaths were being used during the salon's pedicure service. Since the outbreak, California, Texas, and Arizona changed their state requirements, forcing salons to clean and disinfect the suction screen in their whirlpool footbaths that may accumulate bacteria. Other states, such as New York, require emery boards and bar soap to be used only on one customer and not shared. New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Oregon have mandated salons to clean their tools with hospital-grade disinfectant following every customer. Although it is worth noting that the commonly used disinfectant still won't kill all bacteria, yeast, or the hepatitis C virus.

Doctors and dermatologists advise that customers bring their own tools to a salon and ensure those are the ones actually being used on them. Such kits can easily be purchased in most U.S. drugstores and beauty supply outlets. Customers should check that the salon and technicians are fully licensed by the state and to ideally, find a salon which uses a machine to sterilize tools with steam and heat. Women should not shave their legs 24 hours prior to getting a pedicure or have the procedure with any open nicks or wounds on their skin to minimize the chances of infection.

If someone does develop an infection, there is anti fungal medication which can treat certain conditions.
Terbinafine hydrochloride (Lamisil® or DASKIL® Cream) is an antibiotic which can successfully treat fungus infections such as athlete's foot and ringworm. Voriconazole (Vfend®) is a drug which is prescribed as a yeast infection treatment and can help fight other fungus adversely affecting the skin. Clotrimazole (Mycelex® or Canesten® Cream) and Butenafine topical (Mentax® Cream) are anti-fungal medicine which doctors may give to patients to treat infections such as athlete's foot, ringworm, yeast infections, and other skin conditions. Patients can purchase anti fungal treatments for significantly reduced costs through an online pharmacy. Reputable pharmacies such as carry both generic drugs and brand-name pharmaceuticals and ship them to U.S. patients and others all over the world. Still, even those women most in need of a fresh coat of nail polish will agree, prevention is the best measure of defense. American women should beware of salons, first researching where they're going and then taking the proper precautions to protect themselves when there. Otherwise they can be going from the pedicure chair to one in their doctor's waiting room.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

World AIDS Day, 2009

World AIDS Day, 2009 took place December 1 in the United States and was commemorated in cities across the country. Along with discussion of the progress of the disease, there were also protests about reduced funding and information released about current treatment options. In New York City, groups protested the city’s elimination of an office specifically for AIDS policy and decreased funding for AIDS programs. In Santa Cruz, CA. The AIDS Project announced that it lost half of its budget because of reductions from federal, state and local government sources and private grants. The 25-yr. old project had to lay off half of its staff and close its Drop-In Center which offered free HIV testing and needle exchange to drug users. Science Daily reported a study from the New England Journal of Medicine which notes “that viral failure, the point at which medication can no longer suppress the HIV infection, was twice as likely and happened sooner among patients initiating anti-retroviral therapy with high viral loads who were given Epzicom when compared to similar patients treated with Truvada." Patients in this study were being continually monitored; however, these findings caused concern among the HIV-infected community. Positive reports were also shared, as many effective therapies in the form of antiretroviral drugs exist for HIV patients. Anti-HIV medications are primarily categorized as reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors, protease inhibitors, and entry orfusion inhibitors. The best pharmaceutical therapy for HIV/AIDS combines medicines from at least two of these drug groups called HAART therapy (highly antiretroviral therapy). These pharmaceutical treatments for HIV also come in generic drug form and can be purchased at reduced cost to patients if ordered through an online pharmacy. Online pharmacies such as are currently shipping HIV/AIDS medicines to patients in need all over the world and helping many more people survive this disease.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Asthma Immune Cells are Identified

Asthma is a common disease of the respiratory system, which is estimated to affect over 300 million people around the world. Asthma patients usually exhibit signs of the disease at a young age, when exposed to airborne allergens (such as pollen or pet dander). Their respiratory immune system is triggered, causing airways to narrow and compromising their flow of oxygen. A team of researchers at GIGA Research Center in Belgium tried to identify why this response doesn’t happen in the majority of people who breathe in allergens and just a percentage suffer from asthmatic reactions. It was recently reported in ScienceDaily (November 30, 2009) that these researchers discovered particular cells in the lungs which inhibit asthma. Such cells are regulatory macrophages, which had not otherwise been characterized. The regulatory macrophages recognize airborne antigens and trace amounts of endotoxins and paralyze the respiratory immune system response so asthma doesn’t develop. Their prevailing theory is that asthma can only develop in people who have a deficient of these regulatory macrophages.

When someone does have asthma, they can often make lifestyle changes to help avoid an attack. Depending on the frequency or the severity of their condition, they may also need medication to control their asthma. A common type of asthma medicine is a bronchodilator drug. Such medicine for asthma can be used to bring immediate relief to symptoms, acting as a short-term treatment. Bronchodilators can also be long-acting and taken on a daily basis to help prevent asthma attacks from occurring. Many asthmatic patients obtain their medications through an online pharmacy, to save costs. This is an especially good option for those people who take long-acting asthma medicine on a regular basis. One of the best online resources for this type of medication is