Thursday, November 19, 2009

How Men Feel About Hair Loss

While hair loss has a minor effect on a man's physical health, it can have a tremendous impact on his emotional well-being.  Almost every man asked would admit that he'd be upset if he lost his hair.  Young men count balding as one of their greatest fears of aging. Society has long associated a full head of hair with youth, health, vitality, virility, and attractiveness.  When a man begins losing his hair, he often suffers from stress, anxiety, and depression.  Below are some of the most commonly reported feelings of men experiencing hair loss:
  • Depression about the perceived loss of youth
  • Frustration over styling thinning hair
  • Dissatisfaction with self-image
  • Fear of being teased about hair loss
  • Reduction of self-esteem
  • Fear of not being sexually attractive
  • Envy of men with full heads of hair
  • Embarrassment as hair thins
  • Desire to wear hats to disguise the condition
  • Erosion of social confidence
  • Increased feelings of introversion and reduced social participation
  • Difficulty at work, especially in professions tied to appearance
  • Urge to improve one's physique to compensate for balding
  • Desire to dress better to build confidence and improve appearance
  • Tendency to grow facial hair such as a beard of mustache
These feelings have long driven men to seek remedies for their balding. Historical documents tells us of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra attempts to cure Julius Casear’s baldness with a mixture of deer bone marrow, bear grease, horse teeth, and burnt mice. Thankfully, today’s balding man has much better alternatives. Methods to help hair loss range from natural remedies such as scalp massage and aromatherapy , to disguising the condition through hairpieces and hair weaves, to hair restoration surgery with hair plugs and grafts. Among the best methods to treat male pattern hair loss is hair loss medication. The medication Finasteride (Propecia®) can significantly help mild to moderate hair loss when it happens on common parts of the scalp. It won’t help re-grow follicles which have already fallen out but can stop further hair loss and improve the overall look and appearance of hair. Many balding men are purchasing Finasteride (Propecia®) for reduced prices through an online pharmacy. They are using it both as a treatment for existing hair loss and even as a preventative action. Men who are experiencing thinning hair and struggling with their feelings about it are generally grateful for anything which can help.

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