Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good News for Older Thyroid Patients

Research reported in ScienceDaily (October 27, 2009) is good news for older patients with thyroid disease. It shows that surgery is a much safer treatment option for them than many physicians previously believed. Dr. Melanie W. Seybt, endocrine-head and neck surgeon and the Medical College of Georgia and primary author of the study states, "We suspected older patients might be admitted to the hospital more often, have more complications and more cancer." However, the study which was published in the medical journal, Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, showed this not to be the case. In fact, when analyzing thyroid patients between the ages of 21-35 and those who were over the age of 65 the study revealed little differences between the two groups of patients. The findings showed:

  • Both groups could successfully have outpatient surgery at approximately the same basic rate: 45.5 percent of the elderly and 51.2 percent of younger patients
  • Both groups experienced the same rate of complications, such as low calcium
  • Malignancy was present in 27.3 percent of the elderly patients and 18.6 percent of younger patients
  • A somewhat higher hospital readmission rate among the elderly patients, 4.5 percent as opposed to 1.2 percent; however, it was not due to age-related issues or calcium levels
  • No post-operative bleeding or cases of vocal cord paralysis among either group in the study
The study gives hope to older thyroid patients who are concerned about the safety of their having thyroid surgery, such as a thyroidectomy. It is still very important for patients to first receive a pre-operative health screening. Older patients have to be concerned with heart failure, hypertension, and restrictive lung conditions. However, head and neck surgeries have fewer complications than procedures which involve the chest or abdomen and elderly patients are tolerating it well.

If patients do not receive clearance for surgery, there are effective pharmaceutical options for controlling thyroid disease. NEOMERCAZOLE® (tablets) is medication for thyroid disease which can be prescribed to patients with hyperthyroidism to lower the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. It may also be given in preparation for surgery or prior to radioactive iodine treatment. Levothyroxine (Levoxyl ®,Eltroxin®) is thyroid medicine given to patients with hypothyroidism that are experiencing an insufficient amount of hormone manufacture by the thyroid. It can also be given to prevent the thyroid from becoming enlarged because of cancer, surgery, or radiation treatment. Thyroid medication can be purchased at a local drugstore. However, thyroid patients of all ages with a valid prescription are now getting their medication through an online pharmacy, such as at reduced costs. The expense of thyroid medicine becomes a concern for many patients because most need to take such medication long-term to successfully manage their condition.

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